Zubaz Classic Zebra Printed Athletic Lounge Pants

Zubaz Classic Zebra Printed Athletic Lounge Pants
5.0 out of 5 stars Not pants. A lifestyle.
By Robert on February 11, 2014
As soon as I put on these pants I knew something was different. As soon as I donned my white tennis shoes, I could suddenly feel the wind blowing back my bowl cut even though I was inside. I tucked my Hypercolor T-shirt into the huggably soft elastic waist band and immediately began practicing my Karate skills in my parents basement. Will Smith’s “Parent’s Just Don’t Understand” came on and I got so pumped I accidentally roundhouse kicked my little brother through 8 layers of drywall. He was pretty upset considering he’s 35 and had back surgery earlier this year, but I’m pretty sure he was just jealous of my new pants. I begged him not to tell our mom but he did anyway because he’s a tattle tale. Whatever. I didn’t even mention the fact that when he broke through the wall he ruined my Jonathan Taylor Thomas poster, but I’m the only one who got in trouble. I tried explaining to my mom that the pants were making me 2hype but she didn’t listen. She keeps telling me I should move out but I know she just wants the Pog collection I’m storing in the garage. As if.
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