Sex Panther 1.7-oz Cologne Spray Non Growl Box

Sex Panther 1.7-oz Cologne Spray Non Growl Box
Two million stars!
5.0 out of 5 stars My life has changed…
By brandon on August 21, 2014
Where do I even start, upon arrival package was delivered by a busty somewhat already aroused UPS woman. I understand why the packaging has to be so hefty now, due to the pungent smell that is already captivated the UPS driver. Excited,and a little bit nervous I had to open the box to get a feel for the thunder but I’ve been longing for. Never in my life have I ever been able to grow facial hair until this product arrived. Only took one spray BOOM. I now have a beard that is uncontrollable,my testosterone levels have been raised, I have a natural skill in mixed martial arts, I drive a lifted truck, my penis grew 2 inches my jaw line chiseled, I now have a full eight pack of abs, every muscle in my body is tone, I have 17 tattoos total on my body, were talking a real man’s man. I hunt and fish with my bare hands, all equipment made by my bare hands.
This was all accomplished by one simple spray of the cologne, I haven’t even began to talk about what happens with the women in my life. I Have to hire my friends to come out with me to take over the herds of women after one simple spray. Did I mention
my pet panther I accumulated over one spray? I have a full jungle in my backyard, hungry animals waiting to protect their keeper.You don’t buy this cologne you might as well walk around with a tampon in your pocket that’s how much of a pussy you are
Man up, get that chiseled jaw, six pack and lifted truck.and be one with the beast. Five star review? How about 2 million star review
5.0 out of 5 stars Three Wolf Moon boiled down into a cologne
ByD. Fowler on September 18, 2013
I’ll start by saying that the only shirt that I own is Three Wolf Moon. So, I already have to deal with hordes of women and men alike fawning all over me (and the occasional canine).
I was very nervous when I first received this product. Not because of its packaging – because a man in a wolf shirt should never be afraid. But because I didn’t know what would happen when I added something as pungent as Sex Panther to my already testosterone maxed wolf wearing self.
Upon first spray, I immediately sprouted a mustache. And then a moustache. I walked out my front door, and before I got to the end of my driveway I had already given one lucky lady a mustache ride. I’m not sure if it was the cologne, my shirt, or the combination of the two, but all other verile males in the area immediately went blind and developed ED.
Aft r tha;t d;
A note from the Reviewer’s brother – The Reviewer is no longer capable of continuing his response. Due to the constant bombardment of women, he no longer is able to use his hands for anything other than sex. I would rate this product a five out of five, but since I’m blind and impotent now, I kind of wish I had purchased this product first.