Chambong – Glassware for rapid Champagne consumption

Chambong – Glassware for rapid Champagne consumption
5.0 out of 5 stars Unparalleled Drinking Technology
By Ryan T on January 28, 2016
This new, unparalleled drinking technology has revolutionized my day and cut 30 minutes out of my morning routine. Now, I never really feel like I have started my day unless I have had a champagne breakfast; preferably a vintage ’04/08 blanc de blanc grower champagne(RM); I try to avoid the maison houses and their high dosages as much as possible….but I digress. Sometimes my wife and I just simply don’t have the time it takes to sit down and imbibe a bottle of champagne from a traditional flute before rushing out the door to drop our kids off at school and then head into the office. I must profess that with our Chambong, I can get 3-4 FULL glasses down in the time it takes to makes microwaved oatmeal for the little ones. God Bless Chambong!
5.0 out of 5 stars Get ready for some freedom
By Klub on May 29, 2016
Champagne? Nah I ran 18 bud lights through this fine tuned, artisianly crafted alcohol bonging device. Whilst on my roof. All and all if you’re trying to get riggity wrecked with the most class as possible this is just for you.